Monday, April 20, 2009

I love saving money

My new quest is to save as much money as possible on groceries and other household items. To that end, I've found internet coupons and I LOVE TO USE THEM. I have found that one of our local grocery stores and Wal-Mart will accept them. The D**N Dollar General will not accept them because they don't accept copies of coupons, they are not copies you idiots....LMAO. I got into an agruement with the manager there and finally just told them that I would take my ad to Wal-Mart and use my coupons there because Wal-Mart would price match and accept my coupons. And instead of trying to keep a customer, they gave me my coupon and ad back. Well, I guess you can't get the brightest bulbs for $7.00 an hour.

Because of my coupon quest, we have alot more name brand items in our pantry. For instance, my son has a cat that he is just crazy about. I've got enough cat food to last for at least 6 months because of $$$$ off coupons, free food coupons and rebates. And I just printed off two more cat food coupons this morning, so MEOW the cat won't be going hungry for a long time.I like going to the salvage grocery store. We went on Saturday afternoon and I found lots of bargins. You gotta watch the dates on stuff, but like I told my DH, you would get stuff off your own shelves and eat it after the "best by" date. I had four huge bags of groceries and only spent $30.

I've also found a recipe for making my own fabric softner. I passed it on to my sister-in-law and she loves it as much as I do. When I did the math on the cost, a batch that will do 50 loads of laundry cost me $0.89. Can't buy it in the store for that amount. And it works great, the best thing is that there is absolutely no scent on the clothes, so I can use it for DH's hunting clothes and not have to buy special scent blocking detergent for them. I have a recipe for making laundry detergent, but since I use the cheap detergent anyway, it won't save me any money to make my own.

The Dollar Tree has great deals on toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash and shampoo. I got some "silk" shampoo at the Dollar Tree and I get more compliments about my hair now that I've been using it than ever before. DH and my son keep their heads shaved close, so they just run a wash cloth over their heads to wash their hair, even more savings, since we cut their hair with clippers we purchase a few years ago. Last year, I had to miss quite a few days because of my DH's health situation, so I bought all my co-workers gifts at the Dollar Tree. They all thought the lotion that I bought them had come from Bath & Body works. I didn't tell them any differently.....LOL!!!

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